沐浴着明媚的春光,中国信息产业工作会议圆满召开。透过厚厚的材料、拨开层层的数宇,一串串关乎“十五”信息产业发展战略的“关键词”跃然纸上,令人注目。贡献率 “十五”期间,中国信息产业发展速度继续保持3倍于国民经济增长的速度发展。到2005年,产业规模将在2000年的基础上再翻一番,在国民经济各行业中名列前茅。信息产业增加值占GDP的比重也即对国民经济的贡献率将超过7%,成为带动国民经济增长、结构升级的支柱产业和增强综合国力的战略性产业。结构调整 “十五”期间,中国信息产业将以结构调整来统揽发展大局,并贯穿于整个“十五”。面对网络演进升级和市场需求变化的趋势尤其中国“入世”的迫近,中国电信业的网络结构、业务结构、融资结构都需要进一步调整和完善。
Bathed in bright spring, China’s information industry work conference successfully held. Through thick materials, dialing a few layers of data, a string of “fifteen ” development strategy of the information industry, “keywords ” vivid paper, compelling. During the “15th Five-Year Plan” period, the pace of development of China’s information industry continued to grow at a speed three times that of the national economy. By 2005, the industrial scale will double on the basis of 2000, ranking among the best in all sectors of the national economy. The added value of the information industry as a share of GDP will contribute more than 7% to the national economy and become a pillar industry for boosting national economic growth and structural upgrading and a strategic industry for enhancing overall national strength. Structural Adjustment During the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” period, China’s information industry will take overall structural adjustment as its overall development plan and run through the entire “15th Five-Year Plan.” Faced with the trend of evolution of the network and changes in market demand, especially in China, as the accession to the WTO approaches, the network structure, business structure and financing structure of China’s telecommunications industry need to be further adjusted and improved.