Long-term deterioration of lubricant-infused nanoporous anodic aluminium oxide surface immersed in N

来源 :材料科学技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuzhao256
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This study investigated the deterioration of a lubricant-infused anodic aluminium oxide surface in a 1 M NaGl solution for ~200 days.Direct observation by cryo-SEM and quantitative analyses by UV spectroscopy and EIS revealed that the long-term deterioration of the lubricant-infused surface was divided into two stages: the surface-adhered lubricant layer gradually dissolved at a constant rate until the substrate was exposed;afterwards the lubricant infused in the nanochannels began to diffuse and was depleted after ~200 days.The EIS results also revealed that the defects reduced the corrosion resistance of the lubricant-infused surface considerably.
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