南宋民族英雄文天祥为缅怀中唐时期杰出将领李晟所作的两篇诗文———《李氏族谱序》《西平王谱诗》 ,最近在江西吉安市樟山镇文石村村民保存的《文石李氏族谱》中发现。经查阅收录文天祥著作篇目最多、成书于嘉靖年间的“道体堂《文山集》”等史料证实 ,《文石李氏族谱》中辑
Wen Tianxiang, a national hero of the Southern Song Dynasty, remembers two poems made by Li Sheng, an outstanding general in the Middle Tang Dynasty, “Li’s genealogies” and “Xipin Wang Pu Shi”. Recently, Wen Wen, a villager of Wenshi Village, Zhangshan Town, Ji’an City, Stone Li genealogy “found. After reviewing the collection of text Tianxiang writings most, into the book in Jiajing years of ”Taoist Hall“ Wenshan set ”and other historical data confirmed that“ Wen Stone Lee genealogy ”in the series