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在自治区博物馆收藏的雕塑艺术作品中,吐鲁番阿斯塔那唐墓出土的胡人牵驼俑、彩仕女俑、天王踏鬼俑、顶竿倒立俑、镇墓兽、生肖俑等彩绘泥塑和木雕作品,以其独特的造型和丰富的文化内涵享誉海内外,反映了新疆古代雕塑艺术的高度成就。殊不知自治区博物馆还收藏着一批明清时期的佛教造像,也是值得人们关注的,这些佛像除了偶尔展出几尊之外,绝大部分深藏于库房中,鲜为人知。这批佛教铜像,题材多样,有如来佛、燃灯佛、观音菩萨、绿度母、天王等,从造型上看,表现出浓郁的藏传佛教艺 Among the sculpture works collected in the Autonomous Region Museum are the clay figurines, the figurines, the figurines, the figurines of the king, the inverted figurines of the top pole, the figurines of the tombs and the figurines of the zodiac unearthed in the tombs of the Astana, Turpan, Works, with its unique shape and rich cultural connotation at home and abroad, reflecting the ancient Xinjiang sculpture art achievement. Everyone knows that the autonomous region museum also houses a collection of Buddhist statues in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, is also worthy of attention, these statues in addition to displaying a few on occasion, the vast majority hidden in the warehouse, little-known. These Buddhist statues, the theme is diverse, such as Buddha, Buddha light, a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva, green degree, king, etc., from the modeling point of view, showing a rich Tibetan Buddhist art
我家门前的花坛边种着一棵枇杷树。这棵树是我出生時外婆特意种下的,现在整整10岁了。  树干两米多高的地方分出许多树杈,像一把奇特的大伞。  每年冬天,枇杷树生机勃勃的绿叶中就开满了一种白色的小花。我站在枇杷树下,享受花儿散发出来的清香,深深吸一口气,浑身都觉得舒服。  三四月,枇杷树结果了。果实没有成熟,颜色还是青的。我从屋里拿来一根长竹竿,打下几颗青枇杷。我忍不住将枇杷塞进嘴里。“酸,真酸啊!”