1. 关键技术突破,达到的技术、经济指标与适用范围。(1)史氏鲟苗种规模化的驯化养殖技术:用传统的饲养方法,育苗成活率极低,一般不超过20%。不能用配合饲料驯养,是无法进行规模化养殖生产的。经过几年的艰苦研究与攻关,大幅度地提高了驯养成活率。在中国水产科学院房山
1. The key technical breakthroughs, reached the technical, economic indicators and the scope of application. (1) Acipenser schrenckii large-scale domesticated culture technology: With the traditional feeding methods, the survival rate of nursery is very low, generally not more than 20%. Can not be used domesticated feed, is unable to scale production of aquaculture. After several years of hard research and research, a substantial increase in the domesticated survival rate. Fangshan at the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences