解放军第二五二医院始建于1954年,位于文化古城河北省保定市。近半个世纪以来,经过几代人的艰苦奋斗医院已建设成为集医疗、教学、科研、康复、保健和预防为一体的综合性的中心医院。 新建的2万余平方米住院大楼以其挺拔的身躯、清晰的线条、明快的色彩成为医院标志性建筑,刚投入使用的1万余平方米门诊大楼,风姿独秀,设备先进,设施一流。制剂大楼与十部病房并肩而起,相互衬托。这些新颖别致、
The 2552 People’s Liberation Army Hospital was founded in 1954, located in the ancient city of Baoding in Hebei Province. For nearly half a century, after several generations of hard-working hospitals, the hospital has become a comprehensive central hospital integrating medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, rehabilitation, health care and prevention. The new 20,000 square meters hospital building with its tall, clear lines, bright colors become the hospital landmark, just put into use the 1 million square meters outpatient building, graceful appearance, advanced equipment, first-class facilities. Preparations building and wards side by side, set off each other. These new chic,