不是大的打败小的 而是快的战胜慢的

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不足800人的无锡市龙山橡胶厂原来主要生产东风汽车轮胎,随着市场竞争的日趋激烈,生产一度出现停滞不前的现象,1993年前销售收入徘徊在1000万元左右。为了摆脱被动局面,他们精心调研,灵活应变,制定出以开发生产农用三角带为主导、兼顾其它三角带生产,汽车轮胎为辅的战略方针。由于该厂从“小”处着眼,快速而又准确地开拓经营新领域,1993年销售额跃升为2000万元,此后每年以1000万元的绝对数递增,到1996年底销售收入可达6000万元。一个看似不起眼的小厂何以在竞争中充满活力?从中使人领悟到“不是大的打败小的,而是快的战胜慢的”的道理。 为了开辟新的市场,该厂进行了大量调研和分析后发现,随着人们生活水平的提高,全国洗衣机市场销售旺盛。可是,当时洗衣机用三角带国内还无专业生产厂家,他们抓住这一信息,主动出击,为了争取有利时机,果断而迅速地与上海胶带股份有限公司联营共同生产“骆驼牌”洗衣机专用带。通过联营不仅带动了企业的发展,改进了产品构成,而且把全国一流的胶带生产技术引进到厂。若说“船小好调头”的话,这只是该厂“调转船头”的开始曲。 Less than 800 people in Wuxi City Longshan Rubber Factory originally produced Dongfeng Motor Tire. With the increasingly fierce market competition, the phenomenon of production stagnated. Before 1993, sales revenue hovered around 10 million yuan. In order to get rid of the passive situation, they meticulously researched and responded flexibly, and formulated a strategic policy of developing and producing agricultural triangular belts, taking into account the production of other triangular belts, and supplementing automobile tires. Since the factory started from a “small” place and quickly and accurately explored new areas of operation, its sales jumped to 20 million yuan in 1993, and since then it has been increasing by an absolute amount of 10 million yuan each year, and its sales revenue reached 60 million by the end of 1996. yuan. How can a seemingly insignificant small factory be full of energy in the competition? From this, one can realize that “not big defeat to small but quick victory over slow”. In order to open up new markets, the factory conducted a lot of research and analysis and found that with the improvement of people’s living standards, the national washing machine market is booming. However, at the time, there was no professional manufacturer of triangles for washing machines. They seized this information and took the initiative to fight. In order to gain favorable timing, the company took a decisive and rapid joint venture with Shanghai Tape Co., Ltd. to jointly produce “Camel Brand” washing machine belts. Through joint ventures not only led to the development of the company, improved product composition, but also to the country’s first-class tape production technology to the factory. If you say that “the boat is very good at turning around,” this is just the beginning of the factory’s “turning the bow.”