就庆大霉素所致的感音神经性耳聋与内耳外淋巴液Fe、Zn 含量的关系进行了动物实验,以耳蜗电图的动作电位作为耳聋程度的客观指标,观察了沙棘油对该聋的预防效果,提出沙棘油可作为一种新药试用于临床。
Animal experiments were carried out on the relationship between sensorineural deafness induced by gentamicin and Fe and Zn contents in the lymphatic fluid inside the inner ear. Taking the action potential of the electrocochleogram as an objective index for deafness, the effect of seabuckthorn oil on the deaf The preventive effect of sea buckthorn oil was proposed as a new drug in clinical trial.