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宋人“揠苗助长”的寓言是大家所熟知的。在科学种田日趋普及的今天,这种笑话当然不会再出现了,但类似揠苗助长的事件,在现实生活中却还在发生,“突击教学”即是一例。何谓突击教学?就是随意加大教材量、课外作业量、在校活动总量,教学只顾赶进度,不管学生是否接受得了,课内拼命灌,课外加负担,搞得学生天天精疲力竭,头昏脑胀,甚至劳累病倒。揠苗助长,意在助苗使长,用心不谓不好。然而由于违反了事物发展的客观规律,只落得“苗则槁矣”,“非徒无益,而又害之”。突击教学,本意是要学生学得多,学得快,出发点也不坏。但由于不懂得按教学规律办事,结果事与愿违,欲速不达,同样害了学生。 The parable of the Song Dynasty “Sword Miao promotes” is well known to all. Of course, such jokes will no longer emerge today when scientific farming is becoming more and more commonplace. However, the events similar to salamanders are still taking place in real life. The teaching of assault is an example. What is assault teaching? Is to arbitrarily increase the amount of teaching materials, extracurricular homework, the total amount of school activities, teaching only catch the progress, regardless of whether the students accepted, hard irrigation class, extra lessons plus, so that students exhausted every day, dizzy brain Swelling, even overworked. Miao Miao fueling, intended to help make Miao long, not bad intention. However, due to the violation of the objective laws governing the development of things, only the “seedlings carry their own lives” and “helpless but harmful”. Assault teaching, the intention is to learn more students, learn faster, the starting point is not bad. However, because they do not know how to act according to the teaching law, the result is contrary to their wishes.
教师每天要上课,上课就要讲话,讲话就要用嗓子(喉)。如何保养嗓子,使我们在噪上发音适当,学生听来第一排不振耳,最后一排听得清,并且抑扬顿挫,运用自如,我认为: (一)发音方
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