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黄志林,1984年至1986年分别在中央美术学院、中国美术学院研修。现为中国美术家协会会员、国家一级美术师、河北省美术研究所特聘研究员,石家庄市美术家协会副主席、河北省中国画艺委会副主任、中国煤矿美术家协会副主席,河北省有突出贡献中青年专家。中国画《黑魂·白云》《煤魂》《矿工日记》曾入选第八、九、十届全国美展;中国画《太行子民》入选首届全国中国画人物画展览;中国画《大家闺秀》《幽香》《走娘家》入选全国第九次新人新作展;中国画《觅春图》入选’97中国画坛百杰画家作品展,个人被中国文联授予“中国画坛百杰画家”称号。2004年获中国煤矿美术成就奖。2007年水墨画《农民·农民》被中国美术馆收藏。出版有《黄志林画集》《黄志林小品集》等。黄志林作画态度严谨,一丝不苟。在笔墨技巧上敢于花大力气,下大功夫,他具备了很高的造型能力,以大量的画作使自己在笔墨功夫上达到某种极致。在笔墨语言运用方面,力求做到凝练、单纯、强烈、不概念、不雷同,他追求的是一种整体的构想和总体的感染。——刘进安(首都师范大学美术学院教授,硕士生导师) Huang Zhilin, from 1984 to 1986, respectively, in the Central Academy of Fine Arts, China Academy of Fine Arts training. He is now a member of China Artists Association, a national artist, a distinguished researcher of Hebei Academy of Fine Arts, a vice chairman of Shijiazhuang Artists Association, a vice director of Hebei Chinese Painting and Art Committee, a vice chairman of China Coal Artists Association, a Outstanding contribution to young experts. The Chinese painting “Black Soul and Baiyun”, “Coal Soul” and “Miner diary” were selected for the 8th, 9th and 10th National Art Exhibitions. The Chinese painting “Taihang People” was selected for the first national Chinese painting portraits exhibition; Chinese painting “Ladies” “Fragrance” Her Maiden “was selected as the ninth new exhibition for newcomers in the whole country. The Chinese painting” Happy Spring Puzzle “was selected as one of the” 97 Chinese Paintings Exhibition “exhibition of Baldwin painters, and was personally awarded the title of” Chinese Bald Painter “by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. In 2004 won the China Coal Mine Art Achievement Award. In 2007, ”Peasants and Peasants“ was collected by China Art Museum. Published ”Huang Zhilin painting“ ”Huang Zhilin sketch collection" and so on. Huang Zhilin painting rigorous, meticulous. Dare to spend great efforts in the pen and ink skills, under the great effort, he has a high ability to shape, with a large number of paintings to make their own effort to achieve some kind of extreme. In terms of the use of pen and ink language, he strove to be concise, simple, strong, not conceptual, and not identical. He pursued a holistic vision and an overall infection. - Liu Jin (Capital Normal University Academy of Fine Arts, Master Instructor)
洛  塔园区位于公园东部,距龙山县城38公里,以溶洞台地、峡谷和石林地貌为典型特征,是乌龙山地质公园地质遗迹最为丰富的园区。园区内地表洼地、漏斗星罗棋布,簇簇石林在绿树映
乌  龙山园区位于公园西部,北距龙山县城3公里,面积72.7平方公里,园区以  峡谷风光、溶洞群落为特色,主要景观为火岩溶洞,分布在乌龙山峡谷岸坡山体。目前,园区已发现大小溶洞2
当人们参观地质博物馆时,常常会为一些硕大的“金块”所吸引。感叹之余,俯首望去,标签上竟赫然写着:“黄铁矿”。顷刻之间,满腔热情顿时化作冷水。 When people visit the
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