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蒙古族是一个历史悠久的民族。公元1206年,成吉思汗统一蒙古高原诸部,建立起新兴的蒙古汗国。成吉思汗及其继承人以强大的武力四面征伐,建立了地跨亚、欧两洲,纵横一万余里的蒙古大帝国。不仅对中国历史的发展起过重要的作用,而且对世界历史的进程也发生过深远的影响。对此,古今中外著书立说者颇多。相比之下,对蒙古族历史上的一批杰出女性重视不够。如:成吉思汗母亲诃额伦、夫人孛儿帖,对成吉思汗一生所成就的事业产生过重大影响;元世祖忽必烈的皇后察必,在辅佐忽必烈“鼎新革故”维护多民族国家的统一和领土完整等方面,“当时与有力焉”;北元杰出的政治家三娘子曾三次合婚,忠实地继承和延续了俺答汗的事业,独掌政权40年。本文不能毕现历代女杰的卓越政绩,仅举数例,借以窥见她们在民族存亡的生死关头所表现出的政治责任感和对民族、国家命运的思考。 Mongolian is a long history nation. In 1206 AD, Genghis Khan unified all the Mongolian Plateau departments and established a new Mongolian Khanate. Genghis Khan and his successors, with all their tremendous force conquests, established the great Mongol Empire spanning over 10,000 in Asia and Europe. Not only has it played an important role in the development of Chinese history, but it has also had a profound influence on the course of world history. In this regard, there are quite a few speakers at all times and in all countries. In contrast, not enough attention has been paid to a group of outstanding Mongolian women in history. Such as: Genghis Khan mother Buru Lun, his wife Berti posts on the cause of Genghis Khan’s life has had a significant impact on career; Kublai Khan Queen’s emperor Chapped, in assisting Kublai Khan, “Ding new reform” to safeguard the multi-ethnic state Unity and territorial integrity, “with the powerful Yan at that time.” Three prominent ladies of the North Yuan Dynasty, San Niangzi, were married three times and faithfully inherit and carry on Altan Khan’s cause and have been in power for 40 years. This article can not accomplish the outstanding political achievement of all ages, just to name a few, in order to get a glimpse of the political responsibility they show at the moment of national survival and pondering over the national and national destiny.
摘要 本文通过对民间美术的整理研究,针对民间美术设计理念中所蕴含的形式美法则作以简要陈述,通过研究提出对民间美术发展未来的展望。  关键词:民间美术 形式美法则 运用分析  中图分类号:J528 文献标识码:A  引言  民间美术的启蒙发展是带有阶级色彩的图译形式,是统治阶级为了传达自身目的和对美好事物追求愿望的图译表达,此时,民间美术仅仅是统治阶级的统治工具,少有审视其艺术创造的影子,更无视民间
有机食物可是现在的流行词,大部分的超级市场里有机水果和有机蔬菜都有自己的专卖区。而在其他领域,有机产品也比比皆是,从谷物到调味品。 Organic foods are now buzzwords