20 0 4 1 0 5 AISI41 4 0钢经氮化调质后的轴向疲劳试验———氮化深度的影响[英] ./LimodinN ,etal.FatigueFractEngngMaterStruct,2 0 0 3 ,2 6:81 1 -82 0 .采用光滑试样对经氮化调质后的AISI41 4 0钢进行了轴向对称拉压疲劳(R =- 1 )和轴向拉拉疲劳(R =0 )试验。为了评价
20 0 4 1 0 5 Axial fatigue test of AISI4140 steel after nitriding and tempering --- Effect of nitriding depth [英] ./LimodinN, etal.FatigueFractngngMaterStruct, 2 0 0 3, 2 6:81 1 -82 0. A smooth specimen was used to test the axial symmetrical tension fatigue (R = - 1) and axial tensile fatigue (R = 0) of the nitrided AISI4140 steel. In order to evaluate