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一 美国杰出广告人大卫·奥威格对广告创意曾经做过这样的描述:“好的点子都是不知不觉中想出来的,但你必须让自己的潜意识获得足够的资讯;”创意的过程便是创造性思维的过程,具目的是产生新颖,独特,具有社会价值的好点子、主意、构想,通过一定的文字和形象,把商品和商品信息有关的要素,艺术地组合在一起,创造出美的意境和诱惑,改变人们的购买行为和目的。 广告创意的表现方式多种多样,间接表现策略是其中最有生命力的,最易被人们接受的,广为群众喜闻乐见的表现手法。它没有其它创意方式可能出现的强销之态,它以对消费者需求深刻的理解为基础,以间接诉求的面貌出现,另一方面可充分发挥情感的诱导作用,促使消费者对某一品牌形成认知并坚持。这种表现策略,相对于以积累事实而达到诉求目的逻辑型表现方式而言,接受层面广泛而易于引起普遍注意。又相对于直接诉求的表现策略而言,避免了其单调无趣的弱点。 世界广告发展历经百年沧桑,奇招怪招迭出,可谓洋洋大观,如何通过广告提示使品牌认知上升,是每个创意人员处心积虑的焦点,广告表现如果商味太浓,势必会让消费者感到一种急功近利的感觉而引起反感,而间接表现的方式,妙就妙奋真诚体贴,实现了心灵的沟通,把人不经意地引入品牌形象的天地之中。俗语说:? A prominent American advertising expert, David Oweige, once described advertising creativity as such: “Good ideas are unconsciously thought out, but you must let your subconscious have enough information;” The creative process It is the process of creative thinking. It has the purpose of producing new ideas, unique ideas, ideas, ideas of social values. Through certain words and images, the elements related to goods and product information are artistically combined and created. The mood and the temptation of beauty change people’s buying behavior and purpose. There are various ways to express creative ideas. Indirect performance strategies are among the most lively, and most easily accepted, and widely used by the public. It does not have any possible sales patterns that may appear in other creative ways. It is based on a deep understanding of consumer demand and appears as an indirect appeal. On the other hand, it can give full play to the emotional inducing effect and promote consumers to a certain brand. Form awareness and persist. This type of performance strategy has a wider acceptance level and is more likely to attract widespread attention than the logical representation of the purpose of accumulating facts and reaching the appeal. It also avoids its monotony and boring weaknesses relative to the direct appeal performance strategy. The development of the world advertising industry has experienced hundreds of years of vicissitudes. It is a grand view. How to use advertising tips to increase brand awareness is the focus of every creative person. If the advertising performance is too strong, it is bound to make consumers feel This feeling of eagerness for quick success and instant interest has aroused resentment, and the indirect way of expression is wonderfully inspiring, sincere and considerate, realizing the communication of the soul, and inadvertently introducing people into the world of brand image. As the saying goes:?
台湾当红偶像明星团体飞轮海集体向同门师姐S.H.E三姐妹求爱?S.H.E当着数十家媒体的面深情说出“I do”?1月15日,在北京光线传媒演播大厅,台湾两大当红天团集体现身,出演了一
香港回归之后,香港广告业前景如何?《广告与营销》的一项民意调查显示: 在香港,每个人脑子里都有一个问号:1997年6月30日午夜之后,香港将面临着怎样的改变? 对此,人们有着各
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