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  I’m no engineer, nor have I ever had the desire to involve myself in the world of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). I can only imagine the weight on one’s shoulders, knowing that a wrongly placed decimal point, in the drafting of an architectural structure, could lead to the deaths of hundreds or even thousands of innocents. It’s a responsibility taken on by only the smartest, bravest and most confident members of society. It also happens to be a profession dominated by men.
  Perhaps if the latest trends are any indication, female engineers will one day overtake their male counterparts. But, unfortunately, that day is not today, as women remain vastly underrepresented in scientific fields, even in the most advanced countries around the world.
  This month’s featured articles follow several courageous women looking to contradict some of the preconceived notions out there surrounding intelligent women. My Life as… An Engineering Student shows how Meg Mikrut sacrificed any semblance of a social life for one filled with complicated equations and precise calculations. Love, Life and Math: My Life Story follows Maria Lando on an epic cinematic adventure; using math as her superpower, as she turns dreams into scenes on the silver screen. And, in Physics Is Beauty, Lindsay LeBlanc justifies her 3 a.m. laboratory sessions in the search for a Bose-Einstein condensate.
  The world needs more women like these, undeterred by the millennia of chauvinism and sexism. My sister Julia, a few years back, earned an engineering degree from the University of Miami. And I couldn’t be prouder. Though I’ve been here in Guangzhou, unable to witness her success first hand, I often have visions of her, standing just 5 feet tall, on some rough and rugged construction site, bossing around guys twice her size. It certainly makes me hopeful for the future, a time when brains always win over brawn. And gender is just some box you check off on an application form.
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当一个女人爱上了  她,她爱得纯粹  当一个女人爱上了  她,她,她爱得纯粹  在我伤了她的心千万次之后  她仍然接纳我  她毫无悔意地交予我她的生命  她追随着我  而且她,她还,那女孩还助我一路成长  我永远都亏欠她,我永远都亏欠她  对她,这是一份永远的亏欠  当一个女人爱上了  她,她,她爱得纯粹  当一个女人爱上了  她,她,她爱得纯粹  随着她手掌的触碰  她浇灌了我的灵魂  她真的做
It isn’t yet dusk, but the sky to the south is darkening with an approaching storm as Denis Dragusevich and Zhenya Kucheryavaya play with their three small boys in a dusty apartment-building playgroun
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You lose your love for her and then  It is her who is lost,  And then it is both who are lost,  And nothing is ever as perfect as you want it to be.  In a very ordinary world  A most extraordinary pai
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