对于失业保险工作中面临的各种困难和问题,我们要见微知著,坚持用改革和发展的办法,采取有针对性的措施加以解决。其步骤如下: 精心组织,扎扎实实开展宣传教育活动 重点宣传建立失业保险制度的目的、意义,通过积极疏导,变“救济”为“就业”,使“失业群体”成为“就业大军”。宣传教育形式可分为三种:一是县(市区)级以上统一组织开展宣传日活动;二是通过社区开展小规模的宣传周活动;三是各级失业保险机构建立长期咨询窗口。根据不同时期、不同动向,采取不同的宣传方式。使失业人员深刻理解国家实行失业保险制度的重要意义,达到心顺气顺,消除“群访”“上访”隐患,树立正确的择业意识,减轻社会压力,打造一个稳定的社会环境。
With regard to the various difficulties and problems facing the unemployment insurance work, we must see the slight omission and persist in adopting the measures of reform and development and adopting targeted measures to solve it. The steps are as follows: Meticulously organizing and conducting publicity and education activities in a down-to-earth manner Highlight the purpose and significance of establishing an unemployment insurance system and change “relief” to “employment” so that the “unemployed group” becomes an “employment force.” The forms of publicity and education can be divided into three types: one is the promotion day organized by the county (city) level or above; the other is the small-scale publicity week held through the community; and the other is the long-term consultation window set up by the unemployment insurance institutions at all levels. According to different periods, different trends, take different ways of propaganda. So that the unemployed people have a profound understanding of the importance of implementing the unemployment insurance system in the country and will be able to make the case go smoothly and eliminate the hidden dangers of “group visit” and “petition petition” and establish a correct awareness of employment, alleviating social pressure and creating a stable social environment.