目前有100多个国家正在勘探和开采海底石油。据统计,全世界每年流入海洋的石油多达数百万吨,其中不少来自油船的压舱水和洗舱水,特别是井喷和油轮的触礁等偶然事故所造成的后果更为严重。通常一吨石油在海上所形或的油膜可复盖12平方公里范围的海面,这种复盖海面的大面积油膜将阻隔正常的海气交换过程,使气候发生异常;也影响海洋食物链的循环,从而破坏海洋环境中的生态平衡。 因此,许多石油生产国家都十分重视海洋溢油的回收和处理技术的研究。1985年2月在美国洛杉矶召开的溢油年会上有来自世界各地的800多人参加,其中中国海洋石油总公司等也派人出席了会议。
More than 100 countries are currently exploring and mining offshore oil. According to statistics, millions of tons of oil are flowing into the ocean every year in the world. Many of them come from ballast tanks and tank washings of oil tankers. In particular, accidents such as blowout and tanking of oil tankers have even more serious consequences. Usually a ton of oil at sea or oil film can cover 12 square kilometers of sea level, this cover a large area of the sea oil film will block the normal air-sea exchange process, the climate anomalies; also affect the marine food chain cycle , Thus undermining the ecological balance in the marine environment. Therefore, many oil-producing countries attach great importance to the research on the technology of ocean oil spill recovery and treatment. More than 800 people from all over the world participated in the oil spill convention held in Los Angeles in February 1985, in which China National Offshore Oil Corporation and others also attended the conference.