I have used acupuncture oxytocin in 19 cases, the effect is more satisfactory. 19 cases of uterine weakness in 8 cases, 4 cases of premature amniotic fluid, prolonged labor in 3 cases, stillbirth and elderly weak maternal 2 cases. Acupoints on both sides of the Hegu, Zusanli, Sanyinjiao, acupoints from top to bottom, moderate stimulation, twist into the needle, a sore or swollen flu left after the needle, every 3 to 5 minutes tremor surgery (nails Scratch the needle handle or gently hit the middle finger with the needle handle), needle 15 to 20 minutes. Acupuncture after about 20 minutes (the earliest 12 minutes, the latest 40 minutes), maternal contractions began to increase and the law, shortened contractions space, cervix gradually open big, fetal head decline. This group of premature rupture of amniotic fluid, acupuncture and oxytocin effects appear later than other cases, needle retention time