Tillage and no-tillage effects on physical and chemical properties of an Argiaquoll soil under long-

来源 :国际水土保持研究(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolch011
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No-tillage systems are able to reduce the negative effects of agricultural intensification on soil properties. However, knowledge of long-term impacts of no-tillage systems on soil properties is insufficient. It is essential to know which soil quality indicators are the most sensitive to management practices in each particular environment. Therefore, the objective of this work is to determine which soil quality prop-erties are more sensitive to the impact of two tillage systems in a vertic Argiaquoll soil from Buenos Aires, Argentina. This work started in 2006 and included crop rotation and tillage systems, including both tillage and no-tillage. Physical and chemical properties were measured in three consecutive years (2013-2015) at two depths (0-10 cm and 10-20 cm). The tillage system modified soil physical and chemical properties, mainly in the surface layer. No-tillage showed significantly higher bulk density (2013-2015 p < 0.05), gravimetric moisture (2013; 2014 p < 0.05), organic carbon (2013-2015 p < 0.05), and ag-gregates stability in the face of a heavy rain (2013;2015 p<0.05), than soil under tillage. Soil saturation (or total porosity) was significantly greater under tillage. The tillage system did not affect hydraulic conductivity, total nitrogen and extractable phosphorus from the surface, nor physical and chemical properties from the second depth. No-tillage alleviates, but is not enough to mitigate, the loss of soil organic carbon and aggregate stability caused by continuous cropping in this vertic Argiaquall. Bulk density, organic carbon, aggregates stability and saturation are indicators for future studies performed in environments with similar soil and climate conditions.
1.结构原理:该采样器由主体采样管、加力体和定位架组成。在主体采样管的下端装有带刀口的钻头,可减小沉积物贯入采样管时的阻力。本采样器中采用两个装有耳片的桔瓣型 1.
Agricultural soils in semi-arid regions have frequently been degraded due to adverse climatic conditions, organic matter depletion, and poor farming practices.
Soil is the basis of production in agriculture activities. The combination of intensive farming activities, improper farming practices, rainfall regimes, and to