在刚刚结束的澳大利亚布雷根茨艺术节(Bregenz Festival)上,瑞士制片公司TPC取得一项巨大的成就,他们决定使用六台ALEXA光纤遥控摄影机(ALEXAFiber Remote)用于对艺术节上的歌剧《威尼斯商人》进行高度同步的实况转播。这是配有光纤遥控系统(Fiber Remote Option)的ARRIALEXA摄影机第一次用于电视直播,从而给予了电视观众最高质量的视觉效果体验。
At the just concluded Bregenz Festival in Australia, Swiss filmmaker TPC made a big hit with the decision to use six ALEXAFiber Remote cameras for the festival’s “ Venice businessman ”for a highly synchronized live broadcast. For the first time, ARRIALEXA cameras with a Fiber Remote Option give live viewers the highest quality visual experience possible.