实施“一项工程”。即全面启动主枢纽建设工程。加快45个国家级公路主枢纽建设进程,使之成为区域性客货运输中心。同时,加快站场设施建设步伐,全国等级汽车客运站的发展与当地人民群众的出行需求基本一致;等级汽车货运站与当地经济发展对货运的要求基本协调。 构筑“两个体系”。即一是初步建立道路运输法规体系,加快道路运输法制化建设进程;二是初步建立起全国统一开放、公平竞争、规范有序的道路运输市场体系,运政职能转变基本到位,地区封锁和行业保护完全打破。
Implement “a project.” That is to start a comprehensive construction of the main hub. Speed up construction of 45 national highway hubs and make them a regional passenger and cargo transportation center. At the same time, accelerating the pace of construction of station and station facilities, the development of the national-class automobile terminal is basically in line with the travel demand of the local people; the requirements of freight forwarding at the level of automobile freight stations and the local economic development are basically coordinated. Build “two systems”. Namely, the first is to initially establish a law system for road transport and speed up the legalization of road transport; the second is to initially establish a road transport market system that is open, fair and competitive in an orderly manner and in an orderly manner; Protection completely broken.