世事洞明皆学问陈荫三是学汽车运用工程专业的,1 966年他从吉林工业大学研究生毕业后,分别于1981年~1984年,1990年~1991年两度赴德国学习进修。在布伦瑞克工业大学车辆研究所访问时,正值东德与西德合并,政策变化对东德交通的影响给了他很大的触动,由于研究所就在大众汽车厂的附近,所以他几乎见证了桑塔纳轿车研发的全过程,在他后来的工作履历中,也始终有着汽车的影子。在长安大学还叫西安公路学院时,从汽车教研室主任到汽车系主任,从研究生部主任到副院长,直至1995年成为西安公路交通大学,也
In the world, Ming and Ming dynasties learned that Chen Yin-san was a student majoring in automotive engineering. After graduating from Jilin Industrial University in 1966, he studied in Germany twice in 1981-1984 and 1990-1991 respectively. At the visit of the Vehicle Research Institute at Braunschweig Polytechnic University, just as the East Germany merged with West Germany, the impact of the policy changes on East Germany traffic touched him a lot. As the Institute is located near the Volkswagen plant, He almost witnessed the entire process of the development of Santana cars, in his later resumes, but also always have the shadow of the car. In Xi’an, Chang’an University, also called the highway from the director of the car to the director of the Department of Automobile, from the Graduate Department to the vice president, until Xi’an Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1995, also