来源 :Journal of Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mmlovejj
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A novel filter for image restoration is proposed in this paper. The filter estimates histogram of original image via input image. It gets a membership function through the histogram, and the membership function contains a lot of information of original image. Then a weighted fuzzy mean filter is established based on this membership function; meanwhile, the filter adaptively adopts different filter scale according to the character divergence of image region and intensity of impulsive noise. Experimental result shows that new filter gives superior performance to conventional filters and currently used fuzzy filter. The filter estimates histogram of the original image via input image. It gets an membership function through the histogram, and the membership function contains a lot of information of the original image. Then a weighted fuzzy mean filter is established based on this membership function; meanwhile, the filter adaptively adopts differently filter scale according to the character divergence of image region and intensity of impulsive noise. Experimental result shows that new filter gives superior performance to conventional filters and currently used fuzzy filter.
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