法官蒙冤被“双停” 年近五十的唐新国是一位资深法官。1988年从部队转业进入司法系统,在基层法庭于了2年后调入湖南省衡阳市祁东县人民法院工作,1997年提拔为执行庭副庭长,多次被县法院评为先进个人和优秀党员。然而,由于莫须有的“欠债”,资深法官却被政府停职停薪了。 这让唐新国为之烦恼的事,开始于1999年4月28日。这一天,县委工作组的同志来到祁东县法院,告知唐新国他1996
Judge Yuan was “innocent” by “double stop” nearly 50 New Tang is a senior judge. He was transferred from the army to the judicial system in 1988 and transferred to the People’s Court of Qidong County, Hengyang City, Hunan Province, two years after the grass-roots court. In 1997, he was promoted to be the vice president of the Executive Court and repeatedly appraised as the advanced individual by the county court Outstanding member. However, due to the unwarranted “debt,” senior judges were suspended without pay by the government. What bothered the Tang State this time began on April 28, 1999. On this day, the comrades of the County Working Party came to the court of Qidong County to inform Tang and his country