简约就是美。这句话对于履历来说,仍旧管用。人事经理对于履历风格的追求也可谓“与时俱进”。在制作履历的时候,不可忽略这一点。 现在,一页履历还是主打风格,两页履历也开始崭露头角。但对于厚且长的履历,没有人事经理持欢迎态度。因为通常人事经理在面试过程中,对待履历的时间平均不会超过5秒。 虽然,对于贴上照片的履历,人事经理们还抱有容忍的态度,但从研究的角度来审视,人事经理似乎更倾向于没有照片的履
Simplicity is beauty. This sentence for the resume, still in use. Personnel managers for the pursuit of resume style can be described as “advancing with the times.” When making a resume, do not overlook this point. Now, one page resume or the main style, two resumes have begun to emerge. But for the thick and long resume, no personnel manager welcome. Because usually the personnel manager in the interview process, the average time to resume will not exceed 5 seconds. Although HR managers also have a tolerant attitude toward posting photos, from a research perspective, HR managers seem to be more inclined to have no photos of them