Based on a comprehensive analysis of the natural environmental conditions and land use characteristics of Fengningba area in Hebei province, six dryland plots were planted in the area of dark chestnut soil and 12 observations were made in each sample area Sampling and soil samples were collected for laboratory analysis. Based on “Regulations on Gradation of Agricultural Land” and comprehensive comparative study, the effects of soil erosion on the quality of cultivated land were comprehensively evaluated. The results show that the climatic conditions in Fengningba area are the main cause of marginal arable land formation. The loose, dry and uncultivated topsoil in winter and spring suffer from wind erosion, resulting in the reduction of organic matter, clay and silt content in farming layer by about 46% and 31% And 26% respectively. The average soil erosion rate of arable land in the study area was 3.67 mm / a, which could decrease the grade of arable land by 0.75% per year, and the quality grade of arable land decreased rapidly with time. The current soil texture classification method is difficult to characterize wind erosion Topsoil soil texture, the urgent need to develop more detailed soil texture program.