《上海集邮》20岁了。就像一个人,长到20岁,总有自己的个性、自己的风格。我想,《上海集邮》是一本比较有内涵的杂志,也就是说,它注重探索邮票的知识与收藏学的规律,而不太迷惑于事物的表面价值。在一定的历史环境下,它的言论比较真实、自由,当然它也顾全大局,不以不负责任的攻击来扰乱团结。集邮是一项业余的文化生活,既要有规范,又不拘一格,既郑重其事,又不宜太一本正经。这要求杂志有一种宽松自如的氛围,《上海集邮》掌握适度,读来不令人厌烦。 市场经济的大潮风起云涌,在风口浪尖驾船是很
Shanghai Philatelic is 20 years old. Like a person, as long as 20 years old, always have their own personality, their own style. I think the “Shanghai Philately” is a more content magazine, that is, it focuses on exploring the stamps knowledge and the law of collection, but not too confused on the surface value of things. Under certain historical circumstances, its remarks are more realistic and free. Of course, it takes into account the overall situation and does not disturb unity by irresponsible attacks. Philately is an amateur cultural life. It requires both standardization and eclecticism. It is neither serious nor serious. This requires a relaxed magazine atmosphere, “Shanghai Philately” to master the modest, read it is not boring. The tide of market economy is surging, and it is very important to drive at the cusp