脑型恶性疟疾的临床过程结合病理解剖分析的资料,国内文献报告尚属少见,本文报告1例凶险的肺型恶性疟疾,发病突然昏迷,结果死亡,并曾作尸检,现将资料整理加以讨论,以供参考。岑××,男,46岁,恩平人,已婚,流动小贩,1963年11月26日急诊进院(113,218)。患者1天前从惠阳乘轮来广州,当时无不适,步行上船,晚餐还吃半斤米饭而入睡,至半夜同伴发现患者人事不醒,次晨由救护车运送入院。因病人昏迷,无法采取详细病历,检查全身无外伤痕迹、出血紫斑等,亦无发绀。皮肤苍白,体温38.7℃(腋下),脉搏90,血压110/60 ,
The clinical course of cerebral malaria combined with pathological anatomical analysis of the information, the domestic literature is still rare, this article reports 1 case of dangerous pulmonary falciparum malaria, sudden onset of coma, the result of death, and had autopsy, the data are now being discussed ,for reference. Cen × ×, male, 46 years old, Enping, married, mobile hawker, emergency room admission November 26, 1963 (113,218). The patient took a ride from Guangzhou to Huiyang one day ago, when there was no discomfort, walking on board and eating half a catty dinner while falling asleep. In the middle of the night, the companion found that the patient was not awake and was escorted by ambulance to the hospital the next morning. Due to patient coma, can not take a detailed medical records, check the body without trauma marks, bleeding purple, etc., nor cyanosis. Pale skin, body temperature 38.7 ℃ (armpit), pulse 90, blood pressure 110/60,