目的:了解南宁地区女性生殖道病原体感染情况,探讨其与清洁度、年龄的关系。方法对146311例门诊、住院患者阴道分泌物进行生理盐水涂片显微镜检查。结果146311例患者中,滴虫、霉菌和加德纳菌的总感染率为21.60%,表现为6种感染模式。病原体感染患者阴道清洁度主要在芋度占93.28%,阴道清洁度郁度者感染率高达88.50%;21~30岁感染率最高为24.75%,不同阴道清洁度及年龄组间感染率比较差异均有统计学意义(<0.01)。结论南宁地区女性生殖道感染较严重,分泌物的清洁度与病原体感染有关,各年龄段女性均有感染,应加强妇女儿童健康宣传、积极开展生殖道健康普查。“,”Objective To investigate the infection of pathogen in women in nanning, and the frelationship of cleanness and age. Methods Vaginal secretion wet-mountmicroscopy was applied for this study. Results Among the 146 311 cases, the overal infection rate of trichomonad, mould and Gardner was 21.60%, and there are 6 kinds of infection modes. Pathogen infection were mainly in Ⅲdegrees of cleaness (93.28%), and infection rates was as high as 88.50%inⅣdegrees. the infection rate was highest in age from 21 to 30(24.75%), and the infection rates were statistical y significant in the dif erent vaginal cleanness and age groups ( < 0.01). Conclusion The female vaginal infection of pathogen was high in Nanning. the cleaness is associative with infection of pathogens, and each age women are infected. So the women and children health promotion should be strengthen, and the genital tract health survey should be carried out actively.