杨医生: 我有一难言之隐,这就是婚后的夫妻生活并不如我婚前所憧憬的那般美好,相反却给我带来了羞于启齿的痛苦:不知何故,我在与夫君做爱时经常发生阵发性腹痛,以致正在欢娱“兴头”上的我和夫君不得不停下来,真是难受极了。为了早日摆脱这一严重干扰我们夫妻生活的阴影,特向您请教:我为什么会发生上述并常情况?有何办法予以消除?
Dr Yeoh: I have an unspeakable implication. This is why married couples are not as beautiful as they were when they were married. Instead, they have brought me ashamed of their embarrassment. Somehow, I often make mistakes when I have sex with my husband Fat abdominal pain, so being joyous “Xing head ” on the husband and I had to stop, really uncomfortable. In order to get rid of this shadow that seriously interferes with the life of our husband and wife as soon as possible, ask you specifically: Why do I have the above and usual situation? What measures should be taken to eliminate it?