强化流动人口管理 筑牢治安稳定根基

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本刊讯近年来,河北省三河市不断创新手法、勇于实践,总结出以流动人口管理为抓手,推进社会治安管理的新经验,从而在全市形成了“党委领导、政府组织、公安为主、各方参与”的流动人口管理工作新机制。今年以来,三河市流动人口微机注册总数60149人,出租房屋3470户。通过流动人口 In recent years, Sanhe City, Hebei Province, innovative methods, the courage to practice, summed up the floating population management as the starting point to promote the social security management of the new experience, thus forming the city’s “leadership of the party committees, government organizations, public security-based , All parties involved in ”a new mechanism for the management of floating population. This year, Sanhe City, the floating population of the total number of computer registration 60,149, 3,470 rental housing. Through the floating population