
来源 :经济与管理战略研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaosongshu2009
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海关工作必须服务于国家经济建设这条主线,这是充分发挥海关作用,实现海关可持续发展的重要基础和保障。党的十八大提出要实行更加积极主动的开放战略,全面提高开放型经济水平。贯彻十八大精神就要求海关工作必须适应时代的变化,适应全球化的发展要求,准确定位自身职能,不断创新体制机制,转变职能的实现方式,进一步提升监管与服务的效能,全面准确对接国家对外开放战略。文章从管理思想、职能定位、事权划分、管理方式、通关模式和制度规范6个方面详细梳理了目前海关存在的问题,分析产生这些问题的原因,并就新形势下海关职能定位及管理理念的选择,海关工作的管理模式及基本职能的实现方式等内容提出了初步构想和相关建议。 Customs work must serve the main line of national economic construction. This is an important foundation and guarantee for giving full play to the role of the customs and realizing the sustainable development of the customs. The 18th CPC National Congress proposed that we should implement a more proactive and open strategy and raise the overall level of an open economy. Implementing the spirit of the 18th CPC Congress requires that the customs work must adapt to the changes of the times, adapt to the requirements of globalization, accurately locate its own functions, continuously innovate the institutional mechanisms, change the ways of realizing functions, further enhance the efficiency of supervision and services, and fully and accurately connect with the countries Opening up strategy. The article combs the current customs problems from six aspects of management thinking, function orientation, division of powers, management mode, customs clearance mode and system standard, analyzes the causes of these problems, and analyzes the function orientation and management philosophy of the customs under the new situation Selection, customs management and the realization of the basic functions of the content of the initial ideas and related recommendations.
研究目的:  慢性疾病的研究和防治,是现代医学创新和医疗卫生服务改革的热门课题。针对慢性疾病的病因和危险因素,制定防控策略时不仅仅要注重病因学的影响,积极干预健康危险因
幼儿天生爱动,喜欢自己动手参与操作的活动。动手操作活动能直接调动幼儿的多种感官,并能促进感官的发展和相互间的协调,帮助幼儿主动获得知识和技能。铁质易拉罐瓶在生活中很常见,容易收集。经过教师的简单制作,作为玩教具投放在数学区和益智区。孩子们围在一起反复操作、共同讨论,在“玩”中学数学,在操作中感知数学。  制作材料:铁质易拉罐瓶、彩色卡纸、双面胶、透明胶、贴画等。  制作方法:  1.把铁质易拉罐瓶
目的:分析天津市男性警察职业紧张源与二型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus,T2DM)的关系,及在不同的风险人群中精神紧张与T2DM的关系,为T2DM高危人群的筛选和制定预防干预措