Applications of DOSY NMR in the Chemical IndustryApplications of DOSY NMR in the Chemical Industry

来源 :光谱学与光谱分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhy1
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DOSY(diffusion ordered spectroscopy)NMR is a technique that separates NMR signals of different species according to their diffusion coefficients.It is a powerful technique to provide solid characterization evidence for various applications in the chemical industry.Encapsulation and functional polymer grafting are two important capabilities in the chemical industry for new product development with challenging characterization requirements.Model systems of encapsulation and grafted polymer were studied and the characterization methods were set up by DOSY NMR. DOSY (diffusion ordered spectroscopy) NMR is a technique that separates NMR signals of different species according to their diffusion coefficients. It is a powerful technique to provide solid characterization evidence for various applications in the chemical industry. Encapsulation and functional polymer grafting are two important capabilities in the chemical industry for new product development with challenging characterization requirements. Model systems of encapsulation and grafted polymers were studied and the characterization methods were set up by DOSY NMR.
Utilizing two polycarboxylic acids as primary ligands and 1,10-phenanthrolion as an auxiliary ligand in the existence of lanthanide nitrates, two lanthanide-bas
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例1患者34岁,孕2产1.因妊娠41周+6,不规律宫缩5 h入院.6年前因臀位行剖宫产术.体检:子宫右旋,宫口未开.因瘢痕子宫立即手术,术中见:左侧子宫正常大,右侧残角子宫妊娠,剖宫产娩出活婴,同时行残角子宫切除及左侧输卵管结扎术。