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买泓君的山水画,多为静穆,寂然的寥廓山野、河流及氰氲气象,显示出一派巍然、沧桑、悠远、飘忽的玄秘之情。如《昨夜闲云带霜》,以线为主,勾勒出纵、横交迭的山势筋脉,辅以墨之擦染,使山体顿生量感,赫然逼近眼前,而淡墨叠染的雾霭与云烟把空间引向纵深,使起伏之山峦无限绵延和浑然一体;天地、山川、河流、屋舍等意象的构置,使画面空间显示辽阔、深远及向暮夜晦暝处继续拓展的无限性。《蛙声依稀桥东》,完全是以墨造势的山水,显出了青年画家的优势与偏爱,全幅作品以不同层次的墨色多次叠加,辅以线的皴擦,使画面呈现“峰峦出没,云雾显晦”之境,自成磅礴气势和欲全而又不能全的张力感。 Buy Wang Jun’s landscape paintings, mostly static and quiet, the boundless outline of the mountains, rivers and cyanide weather, showing a school of Weiran, vicissitudes of life, distant, erratic mystery. Such as “Last night free cloud with frost,” the main line, outlined the vertical and horizontal overlapping tendons, supplemented by the ink of the dye, the mountain sense of volume, impressively approaching, and light ink stained The haze and clouds lead the space to the depth so that undulating hills can stretch indefinitely and blend seamlessly into one another. The configuration of the images of heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, houses and the like makes the space of the picture display vast, far-reaching and continuous expansion to the twilight night Unlimited. “Frog vile Bridge East” is entirely landscapes of ink momentum, showing the young artists the advantages and preferences, the entire work to different levels of ink color overlay, supplemented by the line of rub, so that the picture presents “peaks and valleys , Cloud Obscure ”environment, since the 磅 磅 礴 momentum and desire for the whole and can not be the whole sense of tension.
本文人物简介    尹立中:今年24岁,出生于河南省西华县黄桥乡一个农民杂技世家。他从4岁开始练习杂技。10岁练习成中国气功杂技——口吞乒乓球、口吞钢球、口吞宝剑。钢球经人检验,重500克,使正常人的胃压下垂7厘米以上,他一口吞下,又用气功吐出。宝剑吞入腹内,长达35厘米,然后又运用气功,将其“吹出”。至于乒乓球,他吞下后,能运用丹田之气,将其喷出三丈多高。他以“奇、绝、险、怪”为表演特点的节目,
①②王雏诗亡困③蜀国山川田&赵步唐教授国画作品 ① ② Wang Chu poetry death ③ Shu Sichuan Kawada & Professor Zhao Step Tang Chinese painting works