总人口超过十二万的达斡尔族主要聚居在内蒙古自治区、黑龙江省、新疆维吾尔自治区,属阿尔语系蒙古语族,大多数人信仰萨满教,少数人信仰喇嘛教,以自然界为崇拜对象。 达斡尔族的婚姻制度是一夫一妻制,同姓内禁止通婚。入赘婚比较普遍。男人入赘女家后,所生子女内属父亲的“哈拉”(代族),女婿在岳父家只从事劳动,并无继承女方财产权。婚姻多由父母包办,订婚后,男方送马、牛、猪、羊和酒等,这叫大礼,达语称“恰安特”。这一天姑娘要躲起来,不
The Daur people, with a population of over 120,000, mainly inhabit the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Heilongjiang Province and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. They belong to the Mongol language of the Albanian ethnic group. Most people believe in Shamanism. A few people believe in Lamaism and regard nature as the object of worship. Daur ethnic marriage system is monogamy, the same name prohibits intermarriage. Infant marriage is more common. After a man has become a member of a woman’s family, the “Hala” (surname), the father of her adopted child, and her son-in-law only work in her father’s home and do not inherit the property rights of the woman. Marriage and more arranged by the parents, after the engagement, the man sent horses, cattle, pigs, sheep and wine, etc., called the gift, up to the word “Qia Ante.” This day the girl wants to hide, no