This article reports a double-blind study of the effects of captopril on patients with congestive heart failure, serum digoxin concentrations, renal function, and body potassium. In an open trial, the effect of captopril on renal clearance of digoxin influences. Methods: A-20 patients with stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ congestive heart failure over half a year were studied. There were 14 males and 6 females with an average age of 62 ± 12 years. Study in four steps: (1) preparation phase two weeks, with digoxin, diuretics and potassium to stabilize the condition; (2) given captopril, beginning 6.25 mg / time, 3 times a day, followed by each Per capita adjusted to a fixed amount (average daily total 93.75 mg), as a six-week open trial; (3) double-blind randomized patients were divided into two groups, according to (2)