3 FD-71甲类单端放大工作电路的选择FD-71是五极管,如果工作在超线性状态下,输出功率肯定更大,相对也更容易制作。但是在三极管工作状态下,FD-71已经完全能输出40多瓦的甲类功率了;而一般都认为三极管放大器的声音相对要好一些,所以笔者认为没有必要做成超线性放大器。
3 FD-71 Class A single-ended amplifier to choose the working circuit FD-71 is a pentode, if the work in the super-linear state, the output power is certainly greater, relatively easy to make. However, under the working state of the triode, the FD-71 has been able to output more than 40W of Class A power. Generally speaking, the transistor amplifier’s sound is relatively better, so I think it is not necessary to make a super-linear amplifier.