在江西老根据地,曾发生过这么一件动人的事第三次反围剿时期,信江边上的一座小村庄里有一对组弟,组姐叫丹丹,弟弟叫冬冬.他们的爸爸是村赤卫队队长,妈妈是女赤卫队队员,姐弟俩也是儿童团团员. 一天,姐弟俩在山坡上放羊,满山的映山红开得火一样鲜艳.丹丹和冬冬正高兴地赶着羊、唱着歌,忽然,东边的村子里传来了一阵枪声.接着,一匹雪白的骏马飞也似地冲出村子,朝山里奔去.他俩正要下山去看个究竟,却碰上村苏维埃主席二爷爷气喘吁吁地奔上山来.他告诉说,白狗子进了村,红军和赤卫队已暂时撤退到山里去了.弟弟冬冬听后,急着要去找爸爸妈妈,二爷爷劝阻说,现在不能去,队伍要打仗,不准带小孩,他叫他们跟他进山去躲一躲。
In the old base area of Jiangxi, there was such a moving thing. During the third anti-encirclement and suppression period, there was a group of younger brothers in a small village on the bank of the river, called Dandan and his younger brother called Dong Dong The village red guard captain, the mother is a female Red Guards team, siblings are also children’s league members one day, the siblings on the hillsides sheep, mountains of azaleas as bright as the fire .Dandan and winter are happy to catch the sheep , Singing a song, Suddenly, a gun shot came in the east of the village.And then, a white horse flying also rushed out of the village, running towards the mountains.The two are about to go down to see what happens, but touch Grandfather of the Soviet Union on the village two grandfather ran to the mountain gasped, he told the white dog into the village, the Red Army and the Red Guards have temporarily retreated to the mountains to go.His brother winter listening, hurry to go find Mom and Dad, two Grandpa discouraged said that now can not go, the team to fight, are not allowed to bring children, he told them to go with him into the mountains to hide a hide.