花旗参在两广地区,家喻户晓,使用极为广泛。经医学界证实其主要成分为洋参皂甙、铁、钙、防痛素及多种不同维生素,实为良好的天然保健品。 花旗参的真伪鉴别很重要,真品多呈横纹,肉质结实,体轻,味甘,微苦,含口中能生津,回味长;假参多呈直纹,易折断,肉质松散,体较重,微臭,味淡,带草青味,有刺激感。正由于假参多,所以你购买时一定要到有信誉的药房购买。 花旗参性凉,不热不燥,对多种病症有奇效。有生津止渴、清热提神、滋补养颜、解酒益胃等功效,
Citigroup in Guangdong and Guangxi regions, a household name, the use of a very wide range. The medical profession confirmed its main components of ginseng saponin, iron, calcium, anti-toothache and a variety of different vitamins, in fact, is a good natural health products. American ginseng authenticity is very important to identify, the true was mostly horizontal stripes, succulent, body light, sweet, slightly bitter, with mouth to fluid, long aftertaste; pseudo-ginseng was straight grain, easy to break, loose meat, body Heavy, smelly, light, with green grass, a sense of excitement. Because of the large number of hypoglycemic, so when you purchase must be to a reputable pharmacy to buy. American ginseng is cool, not hot and not dry, a miracle effect on a variety of diseases. Have thirst quencher, heat refreshing, nourishing beauty, hangover benefit stomach and other effects,