【Objective】 To summarize and analyze the distribution characteristics of adrenal diseases, diagnosis and treatment. 【Methods】 A retrospective analysis of the PLA Department of Urology General Hospital from July 1993 to January 2002 in 282 cases of adrenal surgery in patients with medical records, after finishing the form were entered by Excel computer for further analysis. 【Results】 Among the 282 cases, 161 cases of adrenocortical tumors, 78 cases of medullary tumors and 23 cases of stromal tumors. 【Conclusion】 Adrenal lesions are more common in aldosterone adenoma, followed by pheochromocytoma. Adrenal accidental tumor non-functional cortical adenoma more common, followed by pheochromocytoma. Imaging examination is an important means of diagnosis of adrenal diseases.