亚运会圣火已经点燃。作为知识分子的普通一员,我们和全国人民一样,非常激动。这是历史上第一次由中华民族承办的大型国际综合性运动会。几代人的夙愿啊,而今终将成为现实。 我们永远不会忘记,落后的旧中国,由于旧政府的无能及帝国主义列强的侵略,国力憔悴,国民素质低下,无力问鼎于国际体育大赛,被人戏之为“东亚病夫”。社会主义的新中国成立短短40年来,从这样低的水平起步,发展到
Asian Games flame has ignited. As an ordinary member of the intellectuals, we are as excited as the people throughout the country. This is the first large-scale international comprehensive sports event hosted by the Chinese nation in history. The wish of several generations ah, and now will eventually become a reality. We will never forget that the backward old China was hailed as the “sick man of East Asia” due to the incompetence of the old government and the aggression of the imperialist powers. His national power was gaunt, the quality of the people was low, and his ability to win international sports competitions was hacked. In just 40 years after the founding of new socialist China, such a low level started to develop