台湾养兰业近来受国际贸易影响,发展甚为迅速,对兰花的鉴赏,也产生了一些本地特有的习惯和观点。现就以下几个方面,加以陈述: 一、花:受传统文化的影响,台湾人品兰常将花拟作人格、修养、吉祥的化身。花顶正肩平(平肩)、唇舒舌立者,因其顶平肩正,有如正人君子,顶天立地,风骨凛然,被视为上品。飞肩咧嘴、肩斜唇闭者,因其飞肩气盛、唇闭心虑,被视为中品。顶垂肩落,气势坠落、低下者为下品。若以瓣的阔细来品评,则
Recently, Taiwan’s nutrition industry has been affected by international trade and its development has been very rapid. Appreciation of orchids has also produced some local unique habits and views. Now on the following aspects, to be stated: First, the flowers: the impact of traditional culture, Taiwanese character often will spend flowers intended for personality, self-cultivation, auspicious embodiment. Flower top is flat shoulder (flat shoulders), lips Shuzhe Li who, because of its top flat shoulders is, as a gentleman, indomitable spirit of awe-inspiring, is considered top grade. Fly shoulder grin, shoulder oblique lip closed, because of their fly shoulder Sheng, lips closed mind, was considered in the goods. Pendant off, the momentum crashed, low for the next product. If the petals widened to comment, then