几乎没有人会相信,人们多少年来挖空心思构筑的防盗门、锁乃至保险柜,居然就有梁上君子开启之后不留蛛丝蚂迹,从中盗取钱物如探囊取物。 在安徽,就有这样一个自以为高明绝顶的大盗,他天马行空,来去无踪,与之姘居一年多的女人竟不知其真名实姓。当然,他最终没能逃过认真负责的公安干警布下的法网。 一 1994年春节前后,合肥市发生了一连串奇怪的特大盗窃案件,被盗者或有坚固的防盗门,或是现金存放在保险柜里。每次都是损失巨大,可现场又没有留下一般盗贼行窃时的撬压痕迹,都有监守自盗的嫌疑。 3月10日,中市区蒙城路上一电讯公司卷闸门被打开,盗走一批大哥大电池、BP机、高档进口微型收录机和现金2000多元,总价值近3万元人民币。公安人员接到报案后立即赶赴现场,犯罪分子竟没有留下任何线索;
Almost no one will believe that people have for years hollowed out the security door, locks and even safes, actually there is a gentleman on the beam does not stay away from the spider lizards, from which to steal money such as access to materials. In Anhui, there is such a pretentious and extremely big thief, he is full of imagination, come and go without a trace, and the women living in it for more than a year actually do not know their real name. Of course, he eventually failed to escape the French Open net under the responsible policeman. Before and after the Spring Festival in 1994, a series of strange and super large-scale theft cases took place in Hefei City. The stolen people had strong security doors or cash in the safe. Every time there is a huge loss, but there is no trace of the crowds left by the general thieves in the field and there is suspicion of being stolen. On March 10, the volume gate of a telecommunications company in Mengcheng Road in the downtown area was opened and stolen a batch of cell phones, BP machines, imported miniature recorders and cash of more than 2,000 yuan, with a total value of nearly 30,000 yuan. Public security officers rushed to the scene immediately after receiving the report, criminals actually did not leave any clues;