在诡谲多变的新经济时代,上班一族必须像蜘蛛那样,自己吐丝结网,自动伸出触角扩张地盘,捕捉猎物。随着互联网的兴起和普及,大部分的上班族最终可能都会蜕变成SOHO 族,即使是仍留在大企业内上班,也必须培养与时代结合的独立精神、学习能力以及应变能力。因为在
In a time of treacherous and changeable economy, working people must spit nets like spiders and automatically expand their tentacles to expand their fields and capture their prey. With the rise and popularization of the Internet, most office workers may eventually become SOHO people. Even if they still work in large enterprises, they must cultivate their independence, learning ability and adaptability in keeping with the times. Because