在我国保险市场群雄逐鹿,业务竞争、人才竞争更加激烈之时,人保公司着眼二十一世纪,培养跨世纪的保险管理干部,是一项十分紧迫而重要的战略任务。笔者拟就培养对象的条件及选拔途径和培养方法谈点看法。 一、关于培养对象的条件问题 (一)、道德条件:首先要拥护党的领导,坚持党的基本路线,坚持改革开放,坚持社会主义方向;其次要对政治有敏锐的洞察力和高度的适应性;三要有强烈的时代责任感和敬业精神;四要具备良好的公仆意识,决不能有一日
At a time when the warlords, business competitions and talent competition in our insurance market have become increasingly fierce, PICC has been a very urgent and important strategic task in cultivating cross-century insurance management cadres in the 21st century. I would like to cultivate the object of the conditions and selection methods and training methods talk about point of view. First, on the training of the object conditions (A), moral conditions: First, we must uphold the party’s leadership, adhere to the party’s basic line, adhere to the reform and opening up, adhere to the socialist direction; secondly, have a keen insight into politics and a high degree of adaptation Third, we must have a strong sense of responsibility and professionalism in the times; Fourth, we must have a good sense of public servants, and we must not have one day