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  A model for Sino-African relations and South-South cooperation
  -Messages from Ambassadors of China and Ethiopia
  H.E. Mr. Tan Jian, Chinese Ambassador to Ethiopia:
  China-Ethiopia cooperationin various fields enjoys promising developmentfuture. Future cooperation between the two countries will be based onmutual benefit and win-win result, following the principle of pursuing thegreater good and shared interests and the principle of "sincerity, real results,amity and good faith".
  The relationship between the two countries is currently at its best inhistory and can serve as a model for bilateral relations, China-Africanrelations and South-South cooperation. Since the two countries establisheda comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation, they have maintainedcomprehensive relations in politics, economy, security, people-to-peopleexchange and inter-Party relations.
  China and Ethiopia have carried out cooperation in various fields underthe Belt and Road Initiative. In the field ofinfrastructure, the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, built by Chinese enterprises, is the main artery ofEthiopia'seconomy. China is willing to deepen cooperation with Ethiopia to furtherdevelop the railway line into an economic belt and comdor.
  In terms of people-to-people exchange, the two countries haveclose interactions and China has provided Ethiopian students withmany opportunities for studying and training. China and Ethiopiaalso have a lot of cooperation in capital circulation. Besides,Ethiopia, which enjoys a time-honored history, hopes to furtherstrengthen tourism cooperation and cultural communication with China.
  H.E.Mr. Teshome Toga, Ethiopia's Ambassador to China:
  Thanks to China for its support in eliminating poverty in Ethiopia andhelp in Ethiopia's economic transformation. Ethiopia will implementthe agreements and commitments signed under the Forum on China-AfricaCooperation and the Belt and Road Initiative.
  China's transport and logistics infrastructure projects are necessary forAfrican countries to increase their exports and maintain economic growth.
  It is necessary to build the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, for itopens Ethiopia's access to the sea through Djibouti. Ethiopia, witha population of 100 million, can therefore become one of thelargest players in intemational trade.
4月22日,《共建“一带一路”倡议:进展、贡献与展望》报告发布,用翔实的数据证实了共建“一带一路”倡议具备强大的生命力和影响力。报告同时指出,未来共建“一带一路”既面临诸多问题和挑战,更充满前所未有的机遇和发展前景。对此,参与“一带一路”的各方既要有心理准备,更要用实际行动进行回应。  中国在共建“一带一路”倡议中作出的贡献是非常突出的。从提出思路到“穿针引线”、带动策划、协助沟通、形成网络,中国
摘要:随着中国高铁“走出去”的战略,如何将高铁设计与当地相结合,提高设计效率,显得尤为重要。本文总结了俄罗斯铁路电气化专业初步设计的过程和要点,包括设计文件组成、设计流程、审查流程、电气化特殊设计等相关内容,以期对未来在该地区项目的牵引供电设计具有一定的指导作用。  关键词>>初步设计 设计文件组成 设计流程 审查流程 电气化特殊设计  一、引言  近年来,中国高速铁路技术成果和建设成就在国际社会
冬日的暖阳洒在绣房里,绣台上摆满荷包、领带、腕饰、钱包等彝族刺绣的作品,只见一缕缕神奇的彩色丝线在绣娘的指尖来回跳动,娴熟的绣法、精湛的技艺,仿佛在绣着一个只属于她们自己的梦。  “这是装框的马缨花绣片,这是电脑包的山茶花绣片,这是手提袋的绣片,在大城市好卖得很!”绣娘张琼芬高兴地说。在这里,每个彝族姑娘从会走路起就开始拿针学习刺绣,彝绣已深入到她们的血液中,而彝绣也正是云南省最亮丽的文化瑰宝。 
Convening nearly 40 foreign leaders and representatives frommore than 150 countries, the Second Belt and Road Forumfor International Cooperation, which opens in Beijing on April25, testifies to a grow
The second Belt and Road Forum for InternationalCooperation is held in Beijing from April 25-27. China hasgreatly advanced the initiative to improve infrastructure connectivitybetween Asia, especially
Sow the seeds of cooperation, harvest the fruits of development  ——Highlights of Xi's keynote speech at the opening ceremony  of the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation  第二屆“一带一路”
Going forward  China-Ethiopia partnership  互信共榮,合力同辉!  中国与埃塞,亚非两大文明古国,一个善于奔跑、一个极富耐力,在漫长的历史长河中,两国人民经过艰苦卓绝的努力,使两国间的合作不断加深,领域不断扩展。  1964年,中华人民共和国首任总理周恩来首次访问非洲选择了埃塞俄比亚,受到埃塞政府和人民的热情欢迎,为两国友好关系拉开了大幕;1970年,中国
本文从“一带一路”背景下的集团企业云计算面临的安全入手,详细介绍与分析了云计算应用中的安全风险、云计算安全研究现状、企业云计算安全关键机制。在文章最后指出,我们只有逐步建立完善的“一带一路”背景下的集团企业云计算安全综合防御体系,才能保证企业云计算应用的安全。  关键词>>集团企业 云计算应用 风险安全  一、“一带—路”背景下的集团企业云计算安全概述  “一带一路”背景下的集团企业网络覆盖全球,
This year, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, togetherwith four other ministries, released the "Guidance onPromoting a Green Belt and Road". Realizing this ambition requiresgreen finance the ful
摘要:2013年中国提出“一带一路”倡议以来,亚非拉国家和欧盟主要国家广泛响应并积极参与。印度是中國对全球主要经济体投资增速最快的国家之一,但印度对“一带一路”的态度一直比较消极。本文通过对“一带一路”国际合作框架理念与实践成果的梳理,结合印度对“一带一路”的认知和一些非经济因素的分析,提出推动中印经济合作的建议。  关键词>>一带一路 中国 印度 经济合作  一、中国与印度经济合作情况  (一)