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机床行业的问题是系统性的。机床的问题,在相当程度上,也反映了我国装备制造业,乃至整个国家产业结构升级的共性问题。我国工业产值占世界第一位,但这决不意味着我们已经进入工业强国的行列。机床业的情况清楚表明,我们的装备制造业的竞争力,不论在行业层次还是企业层次,不论在技术积累、技术创新能力还是市场竞争方面,我们和欧美日企业还有相当差距。这集中体现在上述几方面问题上。 The problem of the machine tool industry is systematic. To a certain extent, the problem of machine tools also reflects the common problems of China’s equipment manufacturing industry and even the upgrading of the industrial structure of the entire country. China’s industrial output accounts for the largest in the world, but this in no way means that we have entered the ranks of industrial powers. The machine tool industry clearly shows that the competitiveness of our equipment manufacturing industry, whether at the industrial level or the corporate level, is still far behind that of the European, American and Japanese enterprises in terms of technology accumulation, technological innovation capability and market competition. This is mainly reflected in the above aspects.
想去树村看看的想法,源于百度百科中“地下摇滚”词条的一项记载。7月的一个下午,手握一张8小时后才会进站的车票,我一下子成了时间的富翁。一个念头自然地萌发:好,就去树村。虽然后来到达树村,落魄追梦少年的最初愿望没能实现,但如今回首,树村俨然成了我的桃源。  出了地铁站,漫无目的地向目的地行进。为预防迷路而作的准备,仅仅是随时记着哪个方向是北。顺着街角那些为外地人设计的贴心地图,逛累了双脚,我竟不知不
1元钱一瓶汽水,喝完后两个空瓶换一瓶汽水,如果你有20元钱,最多可以喝到几瓶汽水?  能换几瓶汽水喝?