赛宗寺距青海省省城西宁约320公里,位于海南藏族自治州兴海县桑当乡西南。背依苍松翠柏的赛宗山,势如屏障;面对一座形似金字塔式的峻峰,犹如照壁;寺前的草地上,有清澈见底流水潺潺的赛宗河,形似裙带。四周环境幽雅清静,实为藏传佛教界一座名寺,也是青藏高原上的著名旅游胜地。 据资料介绍,赛宗寺是藏传佛教格鲁派的寺院,公元1923年由隆务寺第三世活佛洛桑隆尕丹贝坚赞来此创建。初建时规模不大,后不断扩建,到解放初期共建有佛塔10座、大
The Sezong Temple is about 320 kilometers away from Xining, the provincial capital of Qinghai Province, and is located southwest of Sang Dang Township, Xinghai County, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. According to the pines and cypresses of Se Zongshan, the potential barrier; the face of a shape of the pyramid Jun Feng, like Zhaobi; Temple in front of the grass, there are clear bottomed water gurgling Sassan River, the shape of the crook. Surrounded by elegant and quiet environment, it is actually a famous Buddhist temple in Tibet, is also a famous tourist spot on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. According to the information, Saijongsa Temple is a monastery of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. It was created in 1923 by the Lao Sang Long Ga Dan Beijian like the third Living Buddha of Longwu Temple. The scale was small at the time of initial construction and was continuously expanded afterwards. By the early liberation, there were 10 pagodas and large buildings