:IGCC(整体煤气化联合循环 )、PFBC(增压流化床联合循环 )等新型、高效的能源清洁转换系统都需要一套运行可靠、高效、维护简单的高温或常温气体净化装置。本文利用光导纤维浓度测试仪对带有内置过滤元件的三维流化床实验台的流动进行了实验研究。运用FFT方法对颗粒浓度时间序列进行了大量的概率分析和统计。结果表明 ,局部颗粒浓度、L阀、卸料口的位置和气 -固混合特性对颗粒层的形成有重要影响 ,床内气固混合以低频为主 ,在距离布风板z =2 5 0mm附近颗粒浓度较高 ,混合较好 ;径向在壁面附近、边角处颗粒浓度较高 ,混合较好
New and efficient energy clean conversion systems such as IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle) and PFBC (Enhanced Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combined Cycle) require a high-temperature or ambient gas purification plant that operates reliably, efficiently and easily. In this paper, the optical fiber concentration tester with built-in filter element of the three-dimensional fluidized bed experimental flow test platform. Using FFT method, a great deal of probability analysis and statistics are made on the particle concentration time series. The results show that the local particle concentration, the location of the L-valve, the discharge port and the gas-solid mixing characteristics have an important influence on the formation of the granular layer. The gas-solid mixed bed in the bed is dominated by low frequency. At a distance of z = 250 mm Higher particle concentration, mixing better; radial near the wall, the corner of the particle concentration is higher, better mixing