金秋十月,美丽的西 子湖畔,一年一度的杭州 “商业杯”业余围棋国际 城市邀请赛再度拉开了 帏幕。今年已经是第四届 了,从上届开始,“商业 杯”成为杭州市西湖博览 会正式活动项目,得到了 政府的大力支持。每年的 开幕式上都会出现多位 领导的身影,而吃住的规 格、档次在国内各项比赛 中名列第一已经得到圈 内的公认。仅仅以棋手们 下塌的宾馆来举例:四皇 级,离西湖景区步行只有 3分钟的路程,据说平时 就算在非旅游旺季的时 候,¥680每夜的标房都 是供不应求。也因此之 故,大赛组委会对参赛选 手的人数都做了严格的 规定,编外人员一律不予 接待。
Autumn in October, the beautiful West Lake, Hangzhou, the annual “Commercial Cup” amateur Go international city tournament kicked off again. This year is already the fourth time. Since the last session, “Commercial Cup” has become an official activity of West Lake Expo in Hangzhou and has received strong support from the government. The opening ceremony every year there will be a number of leaders of the figure, and eating and drinking specifications, grade in the country ranked first in the game has been recognized within the circle. Only to the chess players collapsed Hotel example: Sihuang level, only 3 minutes walk from the West Lake area, it is said that usually even in non-tourist season, ¥ 680 overnight standard rooms are in short supply. Therefore, the organizing committee of the competition made strict rules on the number of contestants, all non-staffs would not be accepted.