应用蝗虫微孢子虫(Nosema locustae)控制草原蝗虫种群数量的研究

来源 :青海畜牧兽医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:s1u2n3cn
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在青海应用蝗虫微孢子虫控制草原蝗虫种群密度,初见成效.以1×108个/毫升微孢子虫感染笼养蚁蝗和雏蝗,其感染率高达90%以上,而以1-2.5×10~9个/毫升感染草地蝗虫和蚁蝗,平均感染率为87.14%,雏蝗为83.81%,其混合种群密度的校正死亡率为46.54-55.03%.1988年9月,在远离试验区的哈达滩分离到与引进的蝗虫微孢子虫相似的病原物,其自然感染率为63.75%,用分离的病原物进行回接试验,其感染率为88-97.2%. In Qinghai, the population density of grasshopper locusts was controlled by the use of locusts, and the infection rate was over 90% with 1 × 108 / ml microsporidian infected with locusts and locusts, and the infection rate was 1-2.5 × The average infection rate was 87.14% for grasshoppers and ant locusts infected with grasshoppers and locusts at the rate of 10-9 / ml, and the corrected mortality rate of mixed population densities was 46.54-55.03% at 83.81%. In September 1988, Haddatha isolated from the introduction of the locusts and microsporidian pathogenic bacteria, the natural infection rate was 63.75%, with the pathogen back to the test, the infection rate of 88-97.2%.
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